Thursday, November 15, 2012

God is listening

Today I want to thank God and to let others know that miracles can and do happen.  I have had the most
difficult week of my life.  Things became so unbearable that I doubted my relationship with God and put
my bible in other room and stopped praying for awhile.  After many tears and not understanding what and why things happen and trying to find reasons for the sky falling and feeling like I was at war with the world ,
I went out for a walk to try to clear my head of all the noise and doubts in it.  I got down on my knees and
just talked to God outloud right there in the park.  I didnt care if others thought I was crazy cuz I think I was
a little crazy trying to take the world on all by myself.  Well, I just poured my heart out and asked for forgiveness for doubting God and myself. 

I heard an inner voice that I acknowledged as God that told me that He doesnt want us to suffer and wants
us to be strong with faith.  He told me to take things in small steps with a pure heart and truly believe that
God and Jesus are with me and will answer my prayers when deep down I believe no matter what pulls at me that God and Jesus can move mountains and rebuke the pulls of satan against me and others.

Wow, could it be that simple?  Well, I am here to tell you that YES it can.  I marched back to the shelter
with a peace and comfort that I had never felt before and as I reclaimed my bible I felt so much love fill
my body I thought I might be floating.  Thank you God for your healings and blessings.  My suicidal son is
getting the therapy and help he needs and was released from hospital through Gods blesssings.  My lungs are stronger and stronger every day and I no longer use my inhaler. My dog was found and I was able to
spend some time with her yesterday.  My oldest son and his family of 3 kids and 3 dogs were homeless on
the night it snowed with no gas money or place to go and God provided them with a voucher for shelter and they are getting even more help today.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. 

I may not always agree with what is happening in my world but I now have faith that God will see me through it if I trust in God and Jesus.  I do not know where I am going to live after shelter time is up,
I do not know how I will get funds for medical and daily needs, I do not know the fate of others and why
things happen that we cannot wish on our worst enemy.  But, what I do know is that my God is awesome and loving and wants the best for us all.  I do know that Jesus and God will always be my best friends and I do know that God and Jesus will direct me to what is most appropriate for my well being when I ask for their help.  I do know to have a better life I must always rebuke satan and the worlds darkness and keep looking to God and the light.  I do know that by helping and caring for others I am on the right track to
being closer and closer to God. 

I thank you God and Jesus for the majestic grace and peace of the world.  I marvel at the beauty of the
ducks and geese walking on frozen lake and then swimming in frigid temps.  They are still here today giving
me a sign that God has a plan for all of us.  We just need to accept and trust and treat others with love and
kindness without judging.  Do the best you can each and every moment.  God says to live and love in the moment, not the past and not the future.  This is the present and it is a gift so unwrap it and you will find
yourself wrapped in love and comfort.  Peace and love to all and God Bless!!!

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